Do You Need to Replace Ductwork When Replacing an AC Unit? - An Expert's Guide

When replacing an AC unit, replacing the ductwork is usually necessary for maximum efficiency and air quality. Learn how to detect problems in the ducts and what needs to be done.

Do You Need to Replace Ductwork When Replacing an AC Unit? - An Expert's Guide

When it comes to replacing an air conditioner, replacing the ducts is usually necessary. While not always required, many contractors will recommend replacing the ductwork when replacing an AC unit in order to ensure maximum efficiency and air quality. Most air conditioners last between 10 and 15 years before needing a replacement, but modern AC units often require newer ducts to work properly. Old ducts can impede the performance of a new air conditioning unit, so it's best to replace them when the AC unit is being replaced.

All contractors can easily adapt their AC unit to their ducts, but when you completely replace them, you won't be putting your new system at risk with old ducts. Have you ever wondered how much air is lost through your HVAC ducts? It turns out that around 25% of the air in HVAC ducts is lost due to leaks and poorly adjusted ductwork. This can result in hundreds of dollars wasted each year. Fortunately, there are solutions to this problem.

You can upgrade your duct network or consider air duct replacement services. It's important to do something about the state of your ducts before it's too late. When it comes to detecting problems in the ducts, it's important to know that on average, ducts are designed to last between 10 and 15 years. They are usually made from a combination of materials such as fiberglass and plastic.

However, if more than 20% of the air escapes, this will eventually be reflected in your energy bill. Crooked or tangled ducts can also prevent your air conditioning system from working properly and cause high energy bills. If you notice a sudden increase in your monthly energy costs, hire a professional to inspect the ducts and see if they need to be replaced. If you know that you haven't installed any new electronic devices in your house lately (laptops, computers, kitchen appliances, etc.), it's possible that the increase in your energy bill is due to a leak in the ducts.

Incorrectly sized ductwork will dramatically reduce unit efficiency and skyrocket your monthly utility bills. In addition, the air conditioning system can also be damaged if insects or rodents clog the ducts. You should do your best to inspect ductwork and fix leaks and holes before they ruin indoor air quality. Some modern AC units require updated air ducts to operate at maximum efficiency, making it ideal for installing new ones.

Structural damage, excess debris, and poor insulation are the main culprits of rising utility bills, but other duct problems can also cause them to increase. Everyone talks about their AC unit and when to replace it, but few talk about the ducts that go next to it. Residential ducts typically have twice the lifespan of traditional air conditioners and require replacement every 30 years. Keep in mind that leaks in ducts can make it easier for allergens such as pollen and small fragments of dust to enter.

Most HVAC specialists can connect your AC unit to your home's existing ductwork if it's not in poor condition. Mold and mildew can cause many health problems and can dramatically deteriorate furniture, so be sure to inspect your ducts right away if you detect a musty smell in your home. If you notice a foul odor in the air ducts, contact a heating and cooling specialist to examine them and replace the ducts if necessary. However, if you see that there is simply too much dust in your house, this problem could be due to damage to the ducts.

In conclusion, replacing ductwork when replacing an AC unit is usually necessary for maximum efficiency and air quality. Old ducts can impede the performance of a new air conditioning unit, so it's best to replace them when the AC unit is being replaced. Around 25% of the air in HVAC ducts is lost due to leaks and poorly adjusted ductwork, resulting in hundreds of dollars wasted each year. Everyone talks about their AC unit and when to replace it, but few talk about the ducts that go next to it - residential ducts typically have twice the lifespan of traditional air conditioners and require replacement every 30 years.

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