Will Air Conditioning Prices Decrease in 2023?

The past year has been a difficult one for many small businesses, especially those in the heating and cooling industry. Learn how changes in energy efficiency may affect air conditioning prices in 2023.

Will Air Conditioning Prices Decrease in 2023?

The past twelve months have been a difficult period for many small businesses, particularly those in the heating and cooling industry. The lack of availability of air conditioning systems has caused tension between local companies and their customers, leading to higher prices for HVAC systems and long wait times for service. Inflation, costs, and labor retention issues have all played a role in the problem. The new testing standard does not necessarily affect the current air conditioning system, but energy efficiency modifications will result in higher HVAC prices in the future.

Homeowners should be aware of how these changes may affect them, especially if they plan to install a system before January. If you are looking to finance the replacement of an air conditioning system or arrange adjustments with a stress-free HVAC maintenance plan, contact local HVAC experts at Team Air-zona for more information. They can help you keep your HVAC system up to date and running efficiently.

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